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Technics SA-C100 Premium Class Network CD Receiver

Full Digital Amp, Jeno Engine - The SA-C100 uses a full digital amp incorporating Technics’ renowned digital audio technology. The digital transmission system processes signals in full digital state in all stages from the input to power stage. Compared to the analogue transmission, this system is less susceptible to signal degradation caused by external noise so it ensures higher signal transmission precision. Twin Power Supply Circuit System - In a system containing a CD player, amp section, digital circuits, etc., the design of the power supply is extremely critical. To eliminate any adverse effects on the amp section, the SA-C100 is equipped with a dedicated power supply for the amp circuits that is independent from all other circuits. Clean Powered Clock Generator - The power supply for the clock circuit of the JENO Engine utilises the same noise suppression circuit employed in Technics’ flagship turntable model, the SL-1000R, to assure low noise. It achieves superb sound image localisation and transparent spatial expression. Space Tune - The SA-C100 is equipped with the “Space Tune” function that enables the adjustment of sound space according to the room environment and installation location so that anyone can enjoy superb music reproduction. By using the “Technics Audio Centre*” app for tablets/smartphones or by selecting a setting from the four presets—“Free,” “Wall,” “Corner” and “In a Shelf”—using the main unit according to the installation location, the user can achieve the most suitable sound quality for a specific acoustic environment. Built-in Phono Equalizer compatible with MM Cartridge - The built-in phono equalizer supports the MM cartridge. The phono equalizer amp uses a dedicated power supply and is equipped with a power supply circuit that is different from the control circuit for reducing noise effects. Included components: ac cord, dab indoor antena, remote control, batteries for remote control, owner's manual Compatible devices: chromecast built in, airplay 2, bluetooth enabled devices Power source type: corded electric

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Audioware Sales
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South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Town

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