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Finches Wanted
Looking for the folowing
2-0 red-faced crimsonwing (Cryptospiza reichenovii)
1-0 black-bellied firefinch (Lagonosticta rara)
1-0 black-faced quailfinch (Ortygospiza atricollis)
1-0 East-African Black-cheeked Waxbill (Estrilda charmosyna)
Also Looking for any loose birds from the list below:
Bluecap Cordon Blues
Red Cheeked Cordon Blues
Purple Grenadiers
Pearly Head Silver Bills
Orange Cheecked Waxbills
Red eared Waxbills
Sundervalls Waxbills
Schlegel Twinspots
Dybowski Twinspots
Any other african (not South African) finches and waxbills
Looking for the folowing
2-0 red-faced crimsonwing (Cryptospiza reichenovii)
1-0 black-bellied firefinch (Lagonosticta rara)
1-0 black-faced quailfinch (Ortygospiza atricollis)
1-0 East-African Black-cheeked Waxbill (Estrilda charmosyna)
Also Looking for any loose birds from the list below:
Bluecap Cordon Blues
Red Cheeked Cordon Blues
Purple Grenadiers
Pearly Head Silver Bills
Orange Cheecked Waxbills
Red eared Waxbills
Sundervalls Waxbills
Schlegel Twinspots
Dybowski Twinspots
Any other african (not South African) finches and waxbills